
Tag: Donald Trump (page 4)

Trump to Unveil New Tax Plan, Falls in Poll

Donald Trump will unveil a new tax plan tomorrow. Tonight he is on 60 Minutes. (no link due to autoplay video.) And in a new NBC-WSJ poll, he's fallen to only one point above Ben Carson.

Are his days numbered? Bill Clinton doesn't think so.

I'm surprised he's lasted this long, but I still don't believe he'll end up as the nominee.

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Trump Steps In It Again

Trump is in the doghouse again, this time due to reactions by fellow Republicans to comments he made about Fox News Host Megyn Kelly after the Republican debate. Trump told CNN Kelly "had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”

That comment resulted in Trump being axed from a Republican gathering hosted by the Red State Blog. Trump had been invited to be a "keynote speaker" at the event, which had a guest list of about 900 people. Red State is edited by Erick Erickson, who is also a Fox News Contributor. [More...]

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Media Goes Off-Message on Donald Trump

Donald Trump has had an easy time of it in the media thus far. Yesterday, something he didn't expect popped up.

What actually happened is not up for discussion here. First, none of us were there, and more importantly, I have no interest in being sued by Donald Trump over readers' comments. (Be forewarned, comments opining on the substance of the allegation and personal attacks on either Trump or his ex-wife's character will be deleted as soon as I see them.)

What is of interest (at least at this site) is how he responds to this unexpected public relations mess, including his response to erroneous public comments by those who work for him. (His lawyer, who also serves as executive vice president at the Trump Organization) has acknowledged his erroneous statements about the law and apologized.

Many have said the test of leadership during a crisis is not the crisis itself, but one's behavior during it. How's Trump doing?

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Trump Has Double Digit Lead

Donald Trump has a double digit lead in the polls over his rivals.

According to a new ABC News/Washington Post national poll, Trump has the support of 24 percent of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents — 11 points higher than Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (13 percent) and 12 points ahead of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

When does the joke go too far? According to the Des Moines Register, which has called for him to drop out, it already has.

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Trump Hotels: Reports of Credit Card Breaches

Donald Trump may be second to Jeb Bush in new polls, but his financial interests keep getting whacked. The latest: Reports of hacked credit card data at Trump Hotels in several cities, dating back to February.

In addition to Macy’s, Univision and Comcast’s NBCUniversal, Trump just got dumped by Serta Mattresses.

On top of all that, the Washington Post reports he's wrong about immigrants and crime. Here's an article I wrote for the Washington Examiner in 2007 stating the same thing: There is No Immigrant Crime Wave.

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Donald Trump Announces Presidential Bid

Move over Jeb Bush. Your 15 minutes are up. Donald Trump has announced his candidacy for President.

In a rambling 40 minute speech, he said he'll be the greatest president ever with respect for to the economy. He said our country is now run by losers. He said he has a net worth of $8.7 billion.

“The American dream is dead,” Trump said at the end of his speech. “But if I win, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before.”

Trump is good for one thing: entertainment.

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Donald Trump Not Running for President

I never thought Donald Trump would run for President. Turns out he won't. He made the announcement today.

Yesterday, NBC renewed Celebrity Apprentice. From the first linked article:

He was scheduled to meet with NBC's bosses early Monday morning to give them his final decision -- just hours before they were supposed to present their plans for the new fall season to advertisers.

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Traffic Crazed Day From TrumpMania

Around 10 pm last night, I noticed site traffic was crazy. There were 4,000 visits an hour -- on a Saturday night. It's still going on. Almost all visitors are coming from Reddit, where someone recommended my post about Donald Trump shelling out $85,000. in 1989 for newspaper ads seeking the death penalty for the teens arrested for raping the Central Park Jogger. (They were convicted and 13 years later, exonerated and freed from prison. They are suing New York, and there was a news article this week reporting that one of them is outraged that Trump to this day refuses to apologize for the ad.)

There are more than 600 comments to the post at Reddit, most critical of Trump.

The post is still #1 at Reddit with more than 1,750 recommendations. I don't know if TalkLeft's server can withstand this kind of traffic for so many hours, so if we go down, you know why. I'll post updates if necessary at our backup site.

This TrumpMania is so odd. Do people really think Trump is going to run? I don't. Other than Celebrity Apprentice (which I watch and like) I don't get why he is such a headline-grabber. What makes him even remotely qualified? And why are people taking him so seriously?

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Trump Took Out Ad Seeking Death Penalty for 14 Year Old

Raymond Santana was 14 years old in 1989 when he and four others were wrongfully accused of raping the Central Park jogger. Days after the crime, Donald Trump spent $85,000. on ads in four New York newspapers calling for the death penalty for the five. The ads ran in New York Times, the New York Post, the New York Daily News and New York Newsday, while the jogger was still in the hospital in a coma.

In the ads, which have the banner headline "Bring Back the Death Penalty," Trump wrote, "They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes. They must serve as examples so that others will think long and hard before committing a crime or an act of violence."

The youths were convicted at trial and sent to prison, but 13 years later, DNA evidence confirmed they were not the attackers. The person whose DNA did match later confessed. Santana is outraged that Trump, to this day, refuses to apologize. [More...]

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Donald Trump May Try to Get Richard Hatch Freed Early

Richard Hatch, who won a million dollars on Survivor and then went to jail for three years for failing to pay taxes on it, is back in prison. The judge last week revoked his supervised release because he still hasn't amended his returns and made payments. The judge imposed a new 9 month sentence.

Hatch is now a contestant on Donald Trump's Celebrity Apprentice. The show just aired the second episode, but wrapped up filming a while ago. He surrendered yesterday to the U.S. Marshals to start serving his new sentence.

Now along comes Donald Trump and says he may be willing to help Hatch. Does Trump really think if he pays Hatch's tax debt the judge or Bureau of Prisons will let him out of jail?

Trump says, "If he makes it to the finals – and I'm not saying he is – I'm sure we can get him time off for good behavior."


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